2  Linear Quadratic Regulators

2.1 Introduction

Up to this point, we have considered decision problems with finitely many states and actions. However, in many applications, states and actions may take on continuous values. For example, consider autonomous driving, controlling a robot’s joints, and automated manufacturing. How can we teach computers to solve these kinds of problems? This is the task of continuous control.

Solving a Rubik’s Cube with a robot hand

Boston Dynamics’s Spot robot

Aside from the change in the state and action spaces, the general problem setup remains the same: we seek to construct an optimal policy that outputs actions to solve the desired task. We will see that many key ideas and algorithms, in particular dynamic programming algorithms, carry over to this new setting.

This chapter introduces a fundamental tool to solve a simple class of continuous control problems: the linear quadratic regulator. We will then extend this basic method to more complex settings.

Example 2.1 (CartPole) Try to balance a pencil on its point on a flat surface. It’s much more difficult than it may first seem: the position of the pencil varies continuously, and the state transitions governing the system, i.e. the laws of physics, are highly complex. This task is equivalent to the classic control problem known as CartPole:

Cart pole

The state \(s\in \mathbb{R}^4\) can be described by:

  1. the position of the cart;

  2. the velocity of the cart;

  3. the angle of the pole;

  4. the angular velocity of the pole.

We can control the cart by applying a horizontal force \(a\in \mathbb{R}\).

Goal: Stabilize the cart around an ideal state and action \((s^\star, a^\star)\).

2.2 Optimal control

Recall that an MDP is defined by its state space \(\mathcal{S}\), action space \(\mathcal{A}\), state transitions \(P\), reward function \(r\), and discount factor \(\gamma\) or time horizon \(H\). These have equivalents in the control setting:

  • The state and action spaces are continuous rather than finite. That is, \(\mathcal{S} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{n_s}\) and \(\mathcal{A} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{n_a}\), where \(n_s\) and \(n_a\) are the corresponding dimensions of these spaces, i.e. the number of coordinates to specify a single state or action respectively.

  • We call the state transitions the dynamics of the system. In the most general case, these might change across timesteps and also include some stochastic noise \(w_h\) at each timestep. We denote these dynamics as the function \(f_h\) such that \(s_{h+1} = f_h(s_h, a_h, w_h)\). Of course, we can simplify to cases where the dynamics are deterministic/noise-free (no \(w_h\) term) and/or time-homogeneous (the same function \(f\) across timesteps).

  • Instead of maximizing the reward function, we seek to minimize the cost function \(c_h: \mathcal{S} \times \mathcal{A} \to \mathbb{R}\). Often, the cost function describes how far away we are from a target state-action pair \((s^\star, a^\star)\). An important special case is when the cost is time-homogeneous; that is, it remains the same function \(c\) at each timestep \(h\).

  • We seek to minimize the undiscounted cost within a finite time horizon \(H\). Note that we end an episode at the final state \(s_H\) – there is no \(a_H\), and so we denote the cost for the final state as \(c_H(s_H)\).

With all of these components, we can now formulate the optimal control problem: compute a policy to minimize the expected undiscounted cost over \(H\) timesteps. In this chapter, we will only consider deterministic, time-dependent policies \(\pi = (\pi_0, \dots, \pi_{H-1})\) where \(\pi_h : \mathcal{S} \to \mathcal{A}\) for each \(h\in [H]\).

Definition 2.1 (General optimal control problem) \[ \begin{split} \min_{\pi_0, \dots, \pi_{H-1} : \mathcal{S} \to \mathcal{A}} \quad & \mathbb{E}\left[ \left( \sum_{h=0}^{H-1} c_h(s_h, a_h) \right) + c_H(s_H) \right] \\ \text{where} \quad & s_{h+1} = f_h(s_h, a_h, w_h), \\ & a_h= \pi_h(s_h) \\ & s_0 \sim \mu_0 \\ & w_h\sim \text{noise} \end{split} \]

2.2.1 A first attempt: Discretization

Can we solve this problem using tools from the finite MDP setting? If \(\mathcal{S}\) and \(\mathcal{A}\) were finite, then we’d be able to work backwards using the DP algorithm for computing the optimal policy in an MDP (Definition 1.11). This inspires us to try discretizing the problem.

Suppose \(\mathcal{S}\) and \(\mathcal{A}\) are bounded, that is, \(\max_{s\in \mathcal{S}} \|s\| \le B_s\) and \(\max_{a\in \mathcal{A}} \|a\| \le B_a\). To make \(\mathcal{S}\) and \(\mathcal{A}\) finite, let’s choose some small positive \(\epsilon\), and simply round each coordinate to the nearest multiple of \(\epsilon\). For example, if \(\epsilon = 0.01\), then we round each element of \(s\) and \(a\) to two decimal spaces.

However, the discretized \(\widetilde{\mathcal{S}}\) and \(\widetilde{\mathcal{A}}\) may be finite, but they may be infeasibly large: we must divide each dimension into intervals of length \(\varepsilon\), resulting in \(|\widetilde{\mathcal{S}}| = (B_s/\varepsilon)^{n_s}\) and \(|\widetilde{\mathcal{A}}| = (B_a/\varepsilon)^{n_a}\). To get a sense of how quickly this grows, consider \(\varepsilon = 0.01, n_s= n_a= 10\). Then the number of elements in the transition matrix would be \(|\widetilde{\mathcal{S}}|^2 |\widetilde{\mathcal{A}}| = (100^{10})^2 (100^{10}) = 10^{60}\)! (That’s a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion.)

What properties of the problem could we instead make use of? Note that by discretizing the state and action spaces, we implicitly assumed that rounding each state or action vector by some tiny amount \(\varepsilon\) wouldn’t change the behavior of the system by much; namely, that the cost and dynamics were relatively continuous. Can we use this continuous structure in other ways? This leads us to the linear quadratic regulator.

2.3 The Linear Quadratic Regulator

The optimal control problem Definition 2.1 seems highly complex in general. Is there a relevant simplification that we can analyze? The linear quadratic regulator (LQR) is a solvable case and a fundamental tool in control theory.

Definition 2.2 (The linear quadratic regulator) The LQR problem is a special case of the Definition 2.1 with linear dynamics and an upward-curved quadratic cost function. Solving the LQR problem will additionally enable us to locally approximate more complex setups using Taylor approximations.

Linear, time-homogeneous dynamics: for each timestep \(h\in [H]\),

\[ \begin{aligned} s_{h+1} &= f(s_h, a_h, w_h) = A s_h+ B a_h+ w_h\\ \text{where } w_h&\sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2 I). \end{aligned} \]

Here, \(w_h\) is a spherical Gaussian noise term that makes the dynamics random. Setting \(\sigma = 0\) gives us deterministic state transitions. We will find that the optimal policy actually does not depend on the noise, although the optimal value function and Q-function do.

Upward-curved quadratic, time-homogeneous cost function:

\[ c(s_h, a_h) = \begin{cases} s_h^\top Q s_h+ a_h^\top R a_h& h< H\\ s_h^\top Q s_h& h= H \end{cases}. \]

This cost function attempts to stabilize the state and action about \((s^\star, a^\star) = (0, 0)\). We require \(Q \in \mathbb{R}^{n_s\times n_s}\) and \(R \in \mathbb{R}^{n_a\times n_a}\) to both be positive definite matrices so that \(c\) has a well-defined unique minimum. We can furthermore assume without loss of generality that they are both symmetric (see exercise below).

This results in the LQR optimization problem:

\[ \begin{aligned} \min_{\pi_0, \dots, \pi_{H-1} : \mathcal{S} \to \mathcal{A}} \quad & \mathbb{E}\left[ \left( \sum_{h=0}^{H-1} s_h^\top Q s_h+ a_h^\top R a_h\right) + s_H^\top Q s_H\right] \\ \textrm{where} \quad & s_{h+1} = A s_h+ B a_h+ w_h\\ & a_h= \pi_h(s_h) \\ & w_h\sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2 I) \\ & s_0 \sim \mu_0. \end{aligned} \]

Exercise 2.1 (Symmetric \(Q\) and \(R\)) Here we’ll show that we don’t lose generality by assuming that \(Q\) and \(R\) are symmetric. Show that replacing \(Q\) and \(R\) with \((Q + Q^\top) / 2\) and \((R + R^\top) / 2\) (which are symmetric) yields the same cost function.

We will henceforth abbreviate “symmetric positive definite” as s.p.d. and “positive definite” as p.d.

It will be helpful to reintroduce the value function notation for a policy to denote the average cost it incurs. These will be instrumental in constructing the optimal policy via dynamic programming, as we did in Section 1.2.7 for MDPs.

Definition 2.3 (Value functions for LQR) Given a policy \(\mathbf{\pi} = (\pi_0, \dots, \pi_{H-1})\), we can define its value function \(V^\pi_h: \mathcal{S} \to \mathbb{R}\) at time \(h\in [H]\) as the average cost-to-go incurred by that policy:

\[ \begin{split} V^\pi_h(s) &= \mathbb{E}\left[ \left( \sum_{i=h}^{H-1} c(s_i, a_i) \right) + c(s_H) \mid s_h= s, a_i = \pi_i(s_i) \quad \forall h\le i < H \right] \\ &= \mathbb{E}\left[ \left( \sum_{i=h}^{H-1} s_i^\top Q s_i + a_i^\top R a_i \right) + s_H^\top Q s_H\mid s_h= s, a_i = \pi_i(s_i) \quad \forall h\le i < H \right] \\ \end{split} \]

The Q-function additionally conditions on the first action we take:

\[ \begin{split} Q^\pi_h(s, a) &= \mathbb{E}\bigg[ \left( \sum_{i=h}^{H-1} c(s_i, a_i) \right) + c(s_H) \\ &\qquad\qquad \mid (s_h, a_h) = (s, a), a_i = \pi_i(s_i) \quad \forall h\le i < H \bigg] \\ &= \mathbb{E}\bigg[ \left( \sum_{i=h}^{H-1} s_i^\top Q s_i + a_i^\top R a_i \right) + s_H^\top Q s_H\\ &\qquad\qquad \mid (s_h, a_h) = (s, a), a_i = \pi_i(s_i) \quad \forall h\le i < H \bigg] \\ \end{split} \]

Note that since we use cost instead of reward, the best policies are the ones with smaller values of the value function.

2.4 Optimality and the Riccati Equation

In this section, we’ll compute the optimal value function \(V^\star_h\), Q-function \(Q^\star_h\), and policy \(\pi^\star_h\) in Definition 2.2 using dynamic programming in a very similar way to the DP algorithms in Section 1.2.5. Recall the definition of the optimal value function:

Definition 2.4 (Optimal value function in LQR) The optimal value function is the one that, at any time and in any state, achieves minimum cost across all policies:

\[ \begin{split} V^\star_h(s) &= \min_{\pi_h, \dots, \pi_{H-1}} V^\pi_h(s) \\ &= \min_{\pi_{h}, \dots, \pi_{H-1}} \mathbb{E}\bigg[ \left( \sum_{i=h}^{H-1} s_h^\top Q s_h+ a_h^\top R a_h\right) + s_H^\top Q s_H\\ &\hspace{8em} \mid s_h= s, a_i = \pi_i(s_i) \quad \forall h\le i < H \bigg] \\ \end{split} \]

The optimal Q-function is defined similarly, conditioned on the starting action as well:

\[ \begin{split} Q^\star_h(s, a) &= \min_{\pi_h, \dots, \pi_{H-1}} Q^\pi_h(s, a) \\ &= \min_{\pi_{h}, \dots, \pi_{H-1}} \mathbb{E}\bigg[ \left( \sum_{i=h}^{H-1} s_h^\top Q s_h+ a_h^\top R a_h\right) + s_H^\top Q s_H\\ &\hspace{8em} \mid s_h= s, a_h= a, a_i = \pi_i(s_i) \quad \forall h< i < H \bigg] \\ \end{split} \]

Both of the definitions above assume deterministic policies. Otherwise we would have to take an expectation over actions drawn from the policy, i.e. \(a_h\sim \pi_h(s_h)\).

We will prove the striking fact that the solution has very simple structure: \(V_h^\star\) and \(Q^\star_h\) are upward-curved quadratics and \(\pi_h^\star\) is linear and furthermore does not depend on the noise!

Theorem 2.1 (Optimal value function in LQR is an upward-curved quadratic) At each timestep \(h\in [H]\),

\[ V^\star_h(s) = s^\top P_hs+ p_h \]

for some s.p.d. matrix \(P_h\in \mathbb{R}^{n_s\times n_s}\) and scalar \(p_h\in \mathbb{R}\).

Theorem 2.2 (Optimal policy in LQR is linear) At each timestep \(h\in [H]\),

\[ \pi^\star_h(s) = - K_hs \]

for some \(K_h\in \mathbb{R}^{n_a\times n_s}\). (The negative is due to convention.)

The construction (and inductive proof) proceeds similarly to the one in the MDP setting (Section 1.2.5).

  1. We’ll compute \(V_H^\star\) (at the end of the horizon) as our base case.
  2. Then we’ll work step-by-step backwards in time, using \(V_{h+1}^\star\) to compute \(Q_h^\star\), \(\pi_{h}^\star\), and \(V_h^\star\).

Base case: At the final timestep, there are no possible actions to take, and so \(V^\star_H(s) = c(s) = s^\top Q s\). Thus \(V_H^\star(s) = s^\top P_Hs+ p_H\) where \(P_H= Q\) and \(p_H= 0\).

Inductive hypothesis: We seek to show that the inductive step holds for both theorems: If \(V^\star_{h+1}(s)\) is an upward-curved quadratic, then \(V^\star_h(s)\) must also be an upward-curved quadratic, and \(\pi^\star_h(s)\) must be linear. We’ll break this down into the following steps:

  1. Show that \(Q^\star_h(s, a)\) is an upward-curved quadratic (in both \(s\) and \(a\)).
  2. Derive the optimal policy \(\pi^\star_h(s) = \arg \min_aQ^\star_h(s, a)\) and show that it’s linear.
  3. Show that \(V^\star_h(s)\) is an upward-curved quadratic.

We first assume the inductive hypothesis that our theorems are true at time \(h+1\). That is,

\[ V^\star_{h+1}(s) = s^\top P_{h+1} s+ p_{h+1} \quad \forall s\in \mathcal{S}. \] \(Q^\star_h(s, a)\) is an upward-curved quadratic

Let us decompose \(Q^\star_h: \mathcal{S} \times \mathcal{A} \to \mathbb{R}\) into the immediate reward plus the expected cost-to-go:

\[ Q^\star_h(s, a) = c(s, a) + \mathbb{E}_{s' \sim f(s, a, w_{h+1})} [V^\star_{h+1}(s')]. \]

Recall \(c(s, a) := s^\top Q s+ a^\top R a\). Let’s consider the expectation over the next timestep. The only randomness in the dynamics comes from the noise \(w_{h+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2 I)\), so we can expand the expectation as:

\[ \begin{aligned} & \mathbb{E}_{s'} [V^\star_{h+1}(s')] \\ {} = {} & \mathbb{E}_{w_{h+1}} [V^\star_{h+1}(A s+ B a+ w_{h+1})] & & \text{definition of } f \\ {} = {} & \mathbb{E}_{w_{h+1}} [ (A s+ B a+ w_{h+1})^\top P_{h+1} (A s+ B a+ w_{h+1}) + p_{h+1} ]. & & \text{inductive hypothesis} \end{aligned} \]

Summing and combining like terms, we get

\[ \begin{aligned} Q^\star_h(s, a) & = s^\top Q s+ a^\top R a+ \mathbb{E}_{w_{h+1}} [(A s+ B a+ w_{h+1})^\top P_{h+1} (A s+ B a+ w_{h+1}) + p_{h+1}] \\ & = s^\top (Q + A^\top P_{h+1} A)s+ a^\top (R + B^\top P_{h+1} B) a+ 2 s^\top A^\top P_{h+1} B a\\ & \qquad + \mathbb{E}_{w_{h+1}} [w_{h+1}^\top P_{h+1} w_{h+1}] + p_{h+1}. \end{aligned} \]

Note that the terms that are linear in \(w_h\) have mean zero and vanish. Now consider the remaining expectation over the noise. By expanding out the product and using linearity of expectation, we can write this out as

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}_{w_{h+1}} [w_{h+1}^\top P_{h+1} w_{h+1}] & = \sum_{i=1}^d \sum_{j=1}^d (P_{h+1})_{ij} \mathbb{E}_{w_{h+1}} [(w_{h+1})_i (w_{h+1})_j] \\ & = \sigma^2 \mathrm{Tr}(P_{h+ 1}) \end{aligned} \] Quadratic forms

When solving quadratic forms, i.e. expressions of the form \(x^\top A x\), it’s often helpful to consider the terms on the diagonal (\(i = j\)) separately from those off the diagonal.

In this case, the expectation of each diagonal term becomes

\[ (P_{h+1})_{ii} \mathbb{E}(w_{h+1})_i^2 = \sigma^2 (P_{h+1})_{ii}. \]

Off the diagonal, since the elements of \(w_{h+1}\) are independent, the expectation factors, and since each element has mean zero, the term vanishes:

\[ (P_{h+1})_{ij} \mathbb{E}[(w_{h+1})_i] \mathbb{E}[(w_{h+1})_j] = 0. \]

Thus, the only terms left are the ones on the diagonal, so the sum of these can be expressed as the trace of \(\sigma^2 P_{h+1}\):

\[ \mathbb{E}_{w_{h+1}} [w_{h+1}^\top P_{h+1} w_{h+1}] = \sigma^2 \mathrm{Tr}(P_{h+1}). \]

Substituting this back into the expression for \(Q^\star_h\), we have:

\[ \begin{aligned} Q^\star_h(s, a) & = s^\top (Q + A^\top P_{h+1} A) s+ a^\top (R + B^\top P_{h+1} B) a + 2s^\top A^\top P_{h+1} B a\\ & \qquad + \sigma^2 \mathrm{Tr}(P_{h+1}) + p_{h+1}. \end{aligned} \]

As we hoped, this expression is quadratic in \(s\) and \(a\). Furthermore, we’d like to show that it also curves upwards with respect to \(a\) so that its minimum with respect to \(a\) is well-defined. We can do this by noting that the Hessian matrix of second derivatives is positive definite:

\[ \nabla_{aa} Q_h^\star(s, a) = R + B^\top P_{h+1} B \]

Since \(R\) is s.p.d. (Definition 2.2), and \(P_{h+1}\) is s.p.d. (by the inductive hypothesis), this sum must also be s.p.d., and so \(Q^\star_h\) is indeed an upward-curved quadratic with respect to \(a\). (If this isn’t clear, try proving it as an exercise.) The proof of its upward curvature with respect to \(s\) is equivalent.

Lemma 2.1 (\(\pi^\star_h\) is linear) Since \(Q^\star_h\) is an upward-curved quadratic, finding its minimum over \(a\) is easy: we simply set the gradient with respect to \(a\) equal to zero and solve for \(a\). First, we calculate the gradient:

\[ \begin{aligned} \nabla_aQ^\star_h(s, a) & = \nabla_a[ a^\top (R + B^\top P_{h+1} B) a+ 2 s^\top A^\top P_{h+1} B a] \\ & = 2 (R + B^\top P_{h+1} B) a+ 2 (s^\top A^\top P_{h+1} B)^\top \end{aligned} \]

Setting this to zero, we get

\[ \begin{aligned} 0 & = (R + B^\top P_{h+1} B) \pi^\star_h(s) + B^\top P_{h+1} A s\nonumber \\ \pi^\star_h(s) & = (R + B^\top P_{h+1} B)^{-1} (-B^\top P_{h+1} A s) \nonumber \\ & = - K_hs, \end{aligned} \]


\[ K_h= (R + B^\top P_{h+1} B)^{-1} B^\top P_{h+1} A. \tag{2.1}\]

Note that this optimal policy doesn’t depend on the starting distribution \(\mu_0\). It’s also fully deterministic and isn’t affected by the noise terms \(w_0, \dots, w_{H-1}\).

Lemma 2.3 (The value function is an upward-curved quadratic) Using the identity \(V^\star_h(s) = Q^\star_h(s, \pi^\star(s))\), we have:

\[ \begin{aligned} V^\star_h(s) & = Q^\star_h(s, \pi^\star(s)) \\ & = s^\top (Q + A^\top P_{h+1} A) s+ (-K_hs)^\top (R + B^\top P_{h+1} B) (-K_hs) + 2s^\top A^\top P_{h+1} B (-K_hs) \\ & \qquad + \mathrm{Tr}(\sigma^2 P_{h+1}) + p_{h+1} \end{aligned} \]

Note that with respect to \(s\), this is the sum of a quadratic term and a constant, which is exactly what we were aiming for! The scalar term is clearly

\[ p_h= \mathrm{Tr}(\sigma^2 P_{h+1}) + p_{h+1}. \]

We can simplify the quadratic term by substituting in \(K_h\) from Equation 2.1. Notice that when we do this, the \((R+B^\top P_{h+1} B)\) term in the expression is cancelled out by its inverse, and the remaining terms combine to give the Riccati equation:

Definition 2.5 (Riccati equation) \[ P_h= Q + A^\top P_{h+1} A - A^\top P_{h+1} B (R + B^\top P_{h+1} B)^{-1} B^\top P_{h+1} A. \]

There are several nice properties to note about the Riccati equation:

  1. It’s defined recursively. Given the dynamics defined by \(A\) and \(B\), and the state cost matrix \(Q\), we can recursively calculate \(P_h\) across all timesteps starting from \(P_H= Q\).
  2. \(P_h\) often appears in calculations surrounding optimality, such as \(V^\star_h, Q^\star_h\), and \(\pi^\star_h\).
  3. Together with the dynamics given by \(A\) and \(B\), and the action coefficients \(R\) in the lost function, it fully defines the optimal policy Lemma 2.1.

It remains to prove that \(V^\star_h\) curves upwards, that is, that \(P_h\) is s.p.d. We will use the following fact about Schur complements:

Lemma 2.2 (Positive definiteness of Schur complements) Let

\[ D = \begin{pmatrix} A & B \\ B^\top & C \end{pmatrix} \]

be a symmetric \((m+n) \times (m+n)\) block matrix, where \(A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times m}, B \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}, C \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}\). The Schur complement of \(A\) is denoted

\[ D/A = C - B^\top A^{-1} B. \]

Schur complements have various uses in linear algebra and numerical computation.

A useful fact for us is that if \(A\) is positive definite, then \(D\) is positive semidefinite if and only if \(D/A\) is positive semidefinite.

Let \(P\) denote \(P_{h+ 1}\) for brevity. We already know \(Q\) is p.d., so it suffices to show that

\[ S = P - P B (R + B^\top P B)^{-1} B^\top P \]

is p.s.d. (positive semidefinite), since left- and right- multiplying by \(A^\top\) and \(A\) respectively preserves p.s.d. We note that \(S\) is the Schur complement \(D/(R + B^\top P B)\), where

\[ D = \begin{pmatrix} R + B^\top P B & B^\top P \\ P B & P \end{pmatrix}. \]

Thus we must show that \(D\) is p.s.d.. This can be seen by computing

\[ \begin{aligned} \begin{pmatrix} y^\top & z^\top \end{pmatrix} D \begin{pmatrix} y \\ z \end{pmatrix} &= y^\top R y + y^\top B^\top P B y + 2 y^\top B^\top P z + z^\top P z \\ &= y^\top R y + (By + z)^\top P (By + z) \\ &> 0. \end{aligned} \]

Since \(R + B^\top P B\) is p.d. and \(D\) is p.s.d., then \(S = D / (R + B^\top P B)\) must be p.s.d., and \(P_h= Q + A S A^\top\) must be p.d.

Now we’ve shown that \(V^\star_h(s) = s^\top P_hs+ p_h\), where \(P_h\) is s.p.d., proving the inductive hypothesis and completing the proof of Theorem 2.2 and Theorem 2.1.

In summary, we just demonstrated that at each timestep \(h\in [H]\), the optimal value function \(V^\star_h\) and optimal Q-function \(Q^\star_h\) are both upward-curved quadratics and the optimal policy \(\pi^\star_h\) is linear. We also showed that all of these quantities can be calculated using a sequence of s.p.d. matrices \(P_0, \dots, P_H\) that can be defined recursively using Definition 2.5.

Before we move on to some extensions of LQR, let’s consider how the state at time \(h\) behaves when we act according to this optimal policy.

2.4.1 Expected state at time \(h\)

How can we compute the expected state at time \(h\) when acting according to the optimal policy? Let’s first express \(s_h\) in a cleaner way in terms of the history. Note that having linear dynamics makes it easy to expand terms backwards in time:

\[ \begin{aligned} s_h& = A s_{h-1} + B a_{h-1} + w_{h-1} \\ & = A (As_{h-2} + B a_{h-2} + w_{h-2}) + B a_{h-1} + w_{h-1} \\ & = \cdots \\ & = A^hs_0 + \sum_{i=0}^{h-1} A^i (B a_{h-i-1} + w_{h-i-1}). \end{aligned} \]

Let’s consider the average state at this time, given all the past states and actions. Since we assume that \(\mathbb{E}[w_h] = 0\) (this is the zero vector in \(d\) dimensions), when we take an expectation, the \(w_h\) term vanishes due to linearity, and so we’re left with

\[ \mathbb{E}[s_h\mid s_{0:(h-1)}, a_{0:(h-1)}] = A^hs_0 + \sum_{i=0}^{h-1} A^i B a_{h-i-1}. \tag{2.2}\]

Exercise 2.2 (Expected state) Show that if we choose actions according to the optimal policy Lemma 2.1, Equation 2.2 becomes

\[ \mathbb{E}[s_h\mid s_0, a_i = \pi^\star_i(s_i)\quad \forall i \le h] = \left( \prod_{i=0}^{h-1} (A - B K_i) \right) s_0. \]

This introdces the quantity \(A - B K_i\), which shows up frequently in control theory. For example, one important question is: will \(s_h\) remain bounded, or will it go to infinity as time goes on? To answer this, let’s imagine for simplicity that these \(K_i\)s are equal (call this matrix \(K\)). Then the expression above becomes \((A-BK)^hs_0\). Now consider the maximum eigenvalue \(\lambda_{\max}\) of \(A - BK\). If \(|\lambda_{\max}| > 1\), then there’s some nonzero initial state \(\bar s_0\), the corresponding eigenvector, for which

\[ \lim_{h\to \infty} (A - BK)^h\bar s_0 = \lim_{h\to \infty} \lambda_{\max}^h\bar s_0 = \infty. \]

Otherwise, if \(|\lambda_{\max}| < 1\), then it’s impossible for your original state to explode as dramatically.

2.5 Extensions

We’ve now formulated an optimal solution for the time-homogeneous LQR and computed the expected state under the optimal policy. However, real world tasks rarely have such simple dynamics, and we may wish to design more complex cost functions. In this section, we’ll consider more general extensions of LQR where some of the assumptions we made above are relaxed. Specifically, we’ll consider:

  1. Time-dependency, where the dynamics and cost function might change depending on the timestep.

  2. General quadratic cost, where we allow for linear terms and a constant term.

  3. Tracking a goal trajectory rather than aiming for a single goal state-action pair.

Combining these will allow us to use the LQR solution to solve more complex setups by taking Taylor approximations of the dynamics and cost functions.

2.5.1 Time-dependent dynamics and cost function

So far, we’ve considered the time-homogeneous case, where the dynamics and cost function stay the same at every timestep. However, this might not always be the case. As an example, in many sports, the rules and scoring system might change during an overtime period. To address these sorts of problems, we can loosen the time-homogeneous restriction, and consider the case where the dynamics and cost function are time-dependent. Our analysis remains almost identical; in fact, we can simply add a time index to the matrices \(A\) and \(B\) that determine the dynamics and the matrices \(Q\) and \(R\) that determine the cost.

The modified problem is now defined as follows:

Definition 2.6 (Time-dependent LQR) \[ \begin{aligned} \min_{\pi_{0}, \dots, \pi_{H-1}} \quad & \mathbb{E}\left[ \left( \sum_{h=0}^{H-1} (s_h^\top Q_hs_h) + a_h^\top R_ha_h\right) + s_H^\top Q_Hs_H\right] \\ \textrm{where} \quad & s_{h+1} = f_h(s_h, a_h, w_h) = A_hs_h+ B_ha_h+ w_h\\ & s_0 \sim \mu_0 \\ & a_h= \pi_h(s_h) \\ & w_h\sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2 I). \end{aligned} \]

The derivation of the optimal value functions and the optimal policy remains almost exactly the same, and we can modify the Riccati equation accordingly:

Definition 2.7 (Time-dependent Riccati Equation) \[ P_h= Q_h+ A_h^\top P_{h+1} A_h- A_h^\top P_{h+1} B_h(R_h+ B_h^\top P_{h+1} B_h)^{-1} B_h^\top P_{h+1} A_h. \]

Note that this is just the time-homogeneous Riccati equation (Definition 2.5), but with the time index added to each of the relevant matrices.

Exercise 2.3 (Time dependent LQR proof) Walk through the proof in Section 2.4 to verify that we can simply add \(h\) for the time-dependent case.

Additionally, by allowing the dynamics to vary across time, we gain the ability to locally approximate nonlinear dynamics at each timestep. We’ll discuss this later in the chapter.

2.5.2 More general quadratic cost functions

Our original cost function had only second-order terms with respect to the state and action, incentivizing staying as close as possible to \((s^\star, a^\star) = (0, 0)\). We can also consider more general quadratic cost functions that also have first-order terms and a constant term. Combining this with time-dependent dynamics results in the following expression, where we introduce a new matrix \(M_h\) for the cross term, linear coefficients \(q_h\) and \(r_h\) for the state and action respectively, and a constant term \(c_h\):

\[ c_h(s_h, a_h) = ( s_h^\top Q_hs_h+ s_h^\top M_ha_h+ a_h^\top R_ha_h) + (s_h^\top q_h+ a_h^\top r_h) + c_h. \tag{2.3}\]

Similarly, we can also include a constant term \(v_h\in \mathbb{R}^{n_s}\) in the dynamics (note that this is deterministic at each timestep, unlike the stochastic noise \(w_h\)):

\[ s_{h+1} = f_h(s_h, a_h, w_h) = A_hs_h+ B_ha_h+ v_h+ w_h. \]

Exercise 2.4 (General cost function) Derive the optimal solution. You will need to slightly modify the proof in Section 2.4.

2.5.3 Tracking a predefined trajectory

Consider applying LQR to a task like autonomous driving, where the target state-action pair changes over time. We might want the vehicle to follow a predefined trajectory of states and actions \((s_h^\star, a_h^\star)_{h=0}^{H-1}\). To express this as a control problem, we’ll need a corresponding time-dependent cost function:

\[ c_h(s_h, a_h) = (s_h- s^\star_h)^\top Q (s_h- s^\star_h) + (a_h- a^\star_h)^\top R (a_h- a^\star_h). \]

Note that this punishes states and actions that are far from the intended trajectory. By expanding out these multiplications, we can see that this is actually a special case of the more general quadratic cost function above Equation 2.3:

\[ M_h= 0, \qquad q_h= -2Q s^\star_h, \qquad r_h= -2R a^\star_h, \qquad c_h= (s^\star_h)^\top Q (s^\star_h) + (a^\star_h)^\top R (a^\star_h). \]

2.6 Approximating nonlinear dynamics

The LQR algorithm solves for the optimal policy when the dynamics are linear and the cost function is an upward-curved quadratic. However, real settings are rarely this simple! Let’s return to the CartPole example from the start of the chapter (Example 2.1). The dynamics (physics) aren’t linear. How can we approximate this by an LQR problem?

Concretely, let’s consider a noise-free problem since, as we saw, the noise doesn’t factor into the optimal policy. Let’s assume the dynamics and cost function are stationary, and ignore the terminal state for simplicity:

Definition 2.8 (Nonlinear control problem) \[ \begin{aligned} \min_{\pi_0, \dots, \pi_{H-1} : \mathcal{S} \to \mathcal{A}} \quad & \mathbb{E}_{s_0} \left[ \sum_{h=0}^{H-1} c(s_h, a_h) \right] \\ \text{where} \quad & s_{h+1} = f(s_h, a_h) \\ & a_h= \pi_h(s_h) \\ & s_0 \sim \mu_0 \\ & c(s, a) = d(s, s^\star) + d(a, a^\star). \end{aligned} \]

Here, \(d\) denotes a function that measures the “distance” between its two arguments.

This is now only slightly simplified from the general optimal control problem (see Definition 2.1). Here, we don’t know an analytical form for the dynamics \(f\) or the cost function \(c\), but we assume that we’re able to query/sample/simulate them to get their values at a given state and action. To clarify, consider the case where the dynamics are given by real world physics. We can’t (yet) write down an expression for the dynamics that we can differentiate or integrate analytically. However, we can still simulate the dynamics and cost function by running a real-world experiment and measuring the resulting states and costs. How can we adapt LQR to this more general nonlinear case?

2.6.1 Local linearization

How can we apply LQR when the dynamics are nonlinear or the cost function is more complex? We’ll exploit the useful fact that we can take a function that’s locally continuous around \((s^\star, a^\star)\) and approximate it nearby with low-order polynomials (i.e. its Taylor approximation). In particular, as long as the dynamics \(f\) are differentiable around \((s^\star, a^\star)\) and the cost function \(c\) is twice differentiable at \((s^\star, a^\star)\), we can take a linear approximation of \(f\) and a quadratic approximation of \(c\) to bring us back to the regime of LQR.

Linearizing the dynamics around \((s^\star, a^\star)\) gives:

\[ \begin{gathered} f(s, a) \approx f(s^\star, a^\star) + \nabla_sf(s^\star, a^\star) (s- s^\star) + \nabla_af(s^\star, a^\star) (a- a^\star) \\ (\nabla_sf(s, a))_{ij} = \frac{d f_i(s, a)}{d s_j}, \quad i, j \le n_s\qquad (\nabla_af(s, a))_{ij} = \frac{d f_i(s, a)}{d a_j}, \quad i \le n_s, j \le n_a \end{gathered} \]

and quadratizing the cost function around \((s^\star, a^\star)\) gives:

\[ \begin{aligned} c(s, a) & \approx c(s^\star, a^\star) \quad \text{constant term} \\ & \qquad + \nabla_sc(s^\star, a^\star) (s- s^\star) + \nabla_ac(s^\star, a^\star) (a - a^\star) \quad \text{linear terms} \\ & \left. \begin{aligned} & \qquad + \frac{1}{2} (s- s^\star)^\top \nabla_{ss} c(s^\star, a^\star) (s- s^\star) \\ & \qquad + \frac{1}{2} (a- a^\star)^\top \nabla_{aa} c(s^\star, a^\star) (a- a^\star) \\ & \qquad + (s- s^\star)^\top \nabla_{sa} c(s^\star, a^\star) (a- a^\star) \end{aligned} \right\} \text{quadratic terms} \end{aligned} \]

where the gradients and Hessians are defined as

\[ \begin{aligned} (\nabla_sc(s, a))_{i} & = \frac{d c(s, a)}{d s_i}, \quad i \le n_s & (\nabla_ac(s, a))_{i} & = \frac{d c(s, a)}{d a_i}, \quad i \le n_a\\ (\nabla_{ss} c(s, a))_{ij} & = \frac{d^2 c(s, a)}{d s_i d s_j}, \quad i, j \le n_s & (\nabla_{aa} c(s, a))_{ij} & = \frac{d^2 c(s, a)}{d a_i d a_j}, \quad i, j \le n_a\\ (\nabla_{sa} c(s, a))_{ij} & = \frac{d^2 c(s, a)}{d s_i d a_j}. \quad i \le n_s, j \le n_a \end{aligned} \]

Exercise: Note that this cost can be expressed in the general quadratic form seen in Equation 2.3. Derive the corresponding quantities \(Q, R, M, q, r, c\).

2.6.2 Finite differencing

To calculate these gradients and Hessians in practice, we use a method known as finite differencing for numerically computing derivatives. Namely, we can simply use the limit definition of the derivative, and see how the function changes as we add or subtract a tiny \(\delta\) to the input.

\[ \frac{d}{dx} f(x) = \lim_{\delta \to 0} \frac{f(x + \delta) - f(x)}{\delta} \]

Note that this only requires us to be able to query the function, not to have an analytical expression for it, which is why it’s so useful in practice.

2.6.3 Local convexification

However, simply taking the second-order approximation of the cost function is insufficient, since for the LQR setup we required that the \(Q\) and \(R\) matrices were positive definite, i.e. that all of their eigenvalues were positive.

One way to naively force some symmetric matrix \(D\) to be positive definite is to set any non-positive eigenvalues to some small positive value \(\varepsilon > 0\). Recall that any real symmetric matrix \(D \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}\) has an basis of eigenvectors \(u_1, \dots, u_n\) with corresponding eigenvalues \(\lambda_1, \dots, \lambda_n\) such that \(D u_i = \lambda_i u_i\). Then we can construct the positive definite approximation by

\[ \widetilde{D} = \left( \sum_{i=1, \dots, n \mid \lambda_i > 0} \lambda_i u_i u_i^\top \right) + \varepsilon I. \]

Exercise: Convince yourself that \(\widetilde{D}\) is indeed positive definite.

Note that Hessian matrices are generally symmetric, so we can apply this process to \(Q\) and \(R\) to obtain the positive definite approximations \(\widetilde{Q}\) and \(\widetilde{R}\). Now that we have an upward-curved quadratic approximation to the cost function, and a linear approximation to the state transitions, we can simply apply the time-homogenous LQR methods from Section 2.4.

But what happens when we enter states far away from \(s^\star\) or want to use actions far from \(a^\star\)? A Taylor approximation is only accurate in a local region around the point of linearization, so the performance of our LQR controller will degrade as we move further away. We’ll see how to address this in the next section using the iterative LQR algorithm.

Local linearization might only be accurate in a small region around the point of linearization

2.6.4 Iterative LQR

To address these issues with local linearization, we’ll use an iterative approach, where we repeatedly linearize around different points to create a time-dependent approximation of the dynamics, and then solve the resulting time-dependent LQR problem to obtain a better policy. This is known as iterative LQR or iLQR:

Definition 2.9 (Iterative LQR) For each iteration of the algorithm:

  1. Form a time-dependent LQR problem around the current candidate trajectory using local linearization.
  2. Compute the optimal policy using Section 2.5.1.
  3. Generate a new series of actions using this policy.
  4. Compute a better candidate trajectory by interpolating between the current and proposed actions.

Now let’s go through the details of each step. We’ll use superscripts to denote the iteration of the algorithm. We’ll also denote \(\bar s_0 = \mathbb{E}_{s_0 \sim \mu_0} [s_0]\) as the expected initial state.

At iteration \(i\) of the algorithm, we begin with a candidate trajectory \(\bar \tau^i = (\bar s^i_0, \bar a^i_0, \dots, \bar s^i_{H-1}, \bar a^i_{H-1})\).

Step 1: Form a time-dependent LQR problem. At each timestep \(h\in [H]\), we use the techniques from to linearize the dynamics and quadratize the cost function around \((\bar s^i_h, \bar a^i_h)\):

\[ \begin{aligned} f_h(s, a) & \approx f(\bar {s}^i_h, \bar {a}^i_h) + \nabla_{s} f(\bar {s}^i_h, \bar {a}^i_h)(s- \bar {s}^i_h) + \nabla_{a} f(\bar {s}^i_h, \bar {a}^i_h)(a- \bar {a}^i_h) \\ c_h(s, a) & \approx c(\bar {s}^i_h, \bar {a}^i_h) + \begin{bmatrix} s- \bar {s}^i_h& a- \bar {a}^i_h \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \nabla_{s} c(\bar {s}^i_h, \bar {a}^i_h)\\ \nabla_{a} c(\bar {s}^i_h, \bar {a}^i_h) \end{bmatrix} \\ & \qquad + \frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} s- \bar {s}^i_h& a- \bar {a}^i_h \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \nabla_{ss} c(\bar {s}^i_h, \bar {a}^i_h) & \nabla_{sa} c(\bar {s}^i_h, \bar {a}^i_h) \\ \nabla_{as} c(\bar {s}^i_h, \bar {a}^i_h) & \nabla_{aa} c(\bar {s}^i_h, \bar {a}^i_h) \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} s- \bar {s}^i_h\\ a- \bar {a}^i_h \end{bmatrix}. \end{aligned} \]

Step 2: Compute the optimal policy. We can now solve the time-dependent LQR problem using the Riccati equation from Section 2.5.1 to compute the optimal policy \(\pi^i_0, \dots, \pi^i_{H-1}\).

Step 3: Generate a new series of actions. We can then generate a new sample trajectory by taking actions according to this optimal policy:

\[ \bar s^{i+1}_0 = \bar s_0, \qquad \widetilde a_h= \pi^i_h(\bar s^{i+1}_h), \qquad \bar s^{i+1}_{h+1} = f(\bar s^{i+1}_h, \widetilde a_h). \]

Note that the states are sampled according to the true dynamics, which we assume we have query access to.

Step 4: Compute a better candidate trajectory., Note that we’ve denoted these actions as \(\widetilde a_h\) and aren’t directly using them for the next iteration \(\bar a^{i+1}_h\). Rather, we want to interpolate between them and the actions from the previous iteration \(\bar a^i_0, \dots, \bar a^i_{H-1}\). This is so that the cost will increase monotonically, since if the new policy turns out to actually be worse, we can stay closer to the previous trajectory. (Can you think of an intuitive example where this might happen?)

Formally, we want to find \(\alpha \in [0, 1]\) to generate the next iteration of actions \(\bar a^{i+1}_0, \dots, \bar a^{i+1}_{H-1}\) such that the cost is minimized:

\[ \begin{aligned} \min_{\alpha \in [0, 1]} \quad & \sum_{h=0}^{H-1} c(s_h, \bar a^{i+1}_h) \\ \text{where} \quad & s_{h+1} = f(s_h, \bar a^{i+1}_h) \\ & \bar a^{i+1}_h= \alpha \bar a^i_h+ (1-\alpha) \widetilde a_h\\ & s_0 = \bar s_0. \end{aligned} \]

Note that this optimizes over the closed interval \([0, 1]\), so by the Extreme Value Theorem, it’s guaranteed to have a global maximum.

The final output of this algorithm is a policy \(\pi^{n_\text{steps}}\) derived after \(n_\text{steps}\) of the algorithm. Though the proof is somewhat complex, one can show that for many nonlinear control problems, this solution converges to a locally optimal solution (in the policy space).

2.7 Summary

This chapter introduced some approaches to solving different variants of the optimal control problem Definition 2.1. We began with the simple case of linear dynamics and an upward-curved quadratic cost. This model is called the LQR and we solved for the optimal policy using dynamic programming. We then extended these results to the more general nonlinear case via local linearization. We finally saw the iterative LQR algorithm for solving nonlinear control problems.